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About Me

About Me

Wild and Free
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Because my body said No! And I finally listened...

Welcome I am

​Growing up conditioned with beliefs and expectations that did nothing than harm my self-worth, self-esteem and self-confidence I finally met my authentic self once crippled by illness. Trying so hard to fit in, to be someone I am not, and constantly go against myself, my soul and my body. It brought me a high price I had to pay. Ending in burnout, emotional binge eating and self-hate, depression, and the bodily illnesses that manifested as a consequence of all that mental and emotional overload and pain. As the phoenix arises out of the ashes so did my new-found version of self with the mission to support others in their pursuit to wholeness and well-being. 

While I am writing this and being of support to others, please know that I am by no means already at my end destination of healing and wholeness. I am quite honestly not even sure if such a destination truly exists, but I find comfort in knowing that life and personal growth and healing is a never-ending journey and the key is to find the courage to be honest with yourself, feel what wants to be felt and be bold enough to do what is right for you. 

Be the authority of your life. Accept who you truly are. End the constant battle with yourself and your body. Releasing one protective layer after another and falling in love with who you are. 

It takes courage to go against all you knew. You will have to crumble into a billion pieces. But the reward of being free, congruent with all your parts will initiate a sparkle. That sparkle is what makes you shine. 

While I started out as a Personal Fitness Trainer in 2016 I developed and grew into the Coach, Mentor and Trainer I am today. I became interested in the root causes for overweight and obesity. Knowing from my own experience that it mostly is never a matter of being lazy or simply being undisciplined. So I undertook further training and became a certified Life-Coach and Energy worker. Knowing from my own history of emotional eating that root cause was from a learned trauma response and the constant suppression of my own feelings. I was constantly battling myself. Hiding from myself.


I have been working as a Well-being Coach and Energy Therapist for the last 6 years but I hear and respect the yearning of my Heart to return to my passion of writing and finally offer the support I was hiding from these last years so well: Supporting others to break from the conditioning that keeps them stuck in loops of suffering like Burnout, Emotional Eating, Weight Struggles. Encouraged by my own personal experience I want to support individuals on their healing journey to peak performance and being the leader of their life. 


Accepting that you are different and maybe want completely different things, than the rest of society, is a huge signal and great gift to yourself and the world.

My intention is to share as much as possible in a way that supports the individual in taking grounded action that leads to transformation rather than feeding the mind with concepts and theory. My wish is that whatever content you find here supports you in becoming the leader of your life

With love and gratitude for your being, 



Yoga and Mindfulness
Reading Glasses on Book

I love to learn ...

I started out as: 

  • Bachelor of Arts in International Business

  • Master of Science in Marketing 

  • Working a career in Marketing and Product Management 

Realizing my true passion was something I could not study anywhere ... so I mixed and merged what made sense to me: 
  • Certified Holistic Life Coach 

  • Certified Heartwall and Limitless Coach 

  • 500h Yoga Teacher Training

  • 100h Yin Yoga Teacher Training

  • Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher (50h) 

  • Certified Somatic Healer

  • Mind-Body-Practitioner 

  • Chakra Psychology and Alignment 

  • Yoga Therapy for Burnout Prevention, Anxiety and Depression 

  • Energy Medicine and Psychology

  • Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practioner (200h)

  • Certified NASM Personal Fitness Trainer

  • Certified Energy Consultant and intensive Mediumship Training

  • Reiki I, II, III, IV - Reiki Master/Teacher 

I love to self-study alone or with experts on: 
  • Somatic Experiencing and healing trauma 

  • Body Work for trauma and stress release

  • Deep dive into Traditional Chinese Medicine (omg there is so much to learn... :) 

  • Acupressure 

  • Ayurveda

  • Alternative Healing and self-healing methods 

  • Applicable Psychology and real-time tools and techniques 

  • The Soul and Spirituality 

  • Human Potential and Bio-hacking 

  • Brain Potential and Fitness 

  • and many many more exciting topics.  

Love to Learn
Passion brought me here
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